The Clothes Make the (Wo)man

Who else has a favorite pair of underwear? Maybe a preferred pair of socks? Those beloved clothing items that when they inevitably wear out, you're a touch more distressed than others (who clearly have never loved a pair of jeans or a sweater more than their spouse) can ever understand.

Today is about wearing what makes you feel like a badass. Something that you love because it makes you feel confident and fabulous. For me, that's always a black dress and black tights. Years ago one of my students asked me, "Why do you always look like a Sicilian widow?" At the time I had no answer, but now years later... I'm good with it. I mean the Godfather wasn't inspired by Mario Puzo's dad anyway. It was all about his mom. So when you see me shrouded in my typical black... just know... I'm channeling more than just my goth teen years. I'm vibing on that Godmother energy.