Indulge in That Guilty Pleasure

Again... popping on up here to give you a heads up. I keep it really real in today's post with examples of barriers some of us might face. If masturbation and porn and decadent foods bother you, feel free to skip reading this one. I won't take it personally. Promise.

Treat Yo'self!

Today's Self Care goal is super simple. Treat yo'self. Period. End of story... sorta.


There is one thing... one teeny, tiny, little thing. One proviso. One term and condition. One fine print. One really fast ending to a prescription drug commercial. One caveat- if you will... You gotta do so with the least amount of guilt possible. Notice I didn't say guilt-free. Because like me, some of you may subsist on a steady diet of good old fashioned parent/spouse/employee/family-member guilt. Honestly, I'll be guilt-free when I'm in the grave. It is what it is, and my therapist is aware. We are working towards lessening the constant guilt I feel about not being the best in everything. I'm doing those baby steps I talked about in Day 2's post here. Like average sized baby steps- not the sasquatch sized ones from anyone in my family (where my fellow size 11's at?!). But yeah... less guilt if guilt-free is beyond your emotional reach right now.


And let me just say... you TREAT YO'SELF however you want today.

If for you that's carbs, hell yeah!

If for you that's locking yourself in the bedroom for a porn & flickin' the bean sesh, get it, sis!

If for you that's reading a book, get lost in that story, my guy!

If for you that's going for a drive, roll the windows down and take in the fresh air (unless you're here in Skreepote...WHAT IS THAT SMELL?) 

If for you that's working out, feel the burn!

If for you that's a date with the couch and Netflix, don't forget the popcorn!

If for you that's staring at the wall, zone all the way out!

If for you that's retail therapy, boost that economy!


The point is, today is all about taking a moment, hour, or whole afternoon to indulge in something that makes you feel good and not giving a damn what anyone else thinks or feels about it. Because today is not about them or their demands on your time, body, or patience. Today is about you. So grab the car keys, remote, or "neck massager" and go TREAT YO'SELF. You deserve it.