Create a Playlist That Makes You Happy

Remember back in the day when MySpace ruled and we could have songs play on our profile? Tom was a real one, y'all. Who else spent way too much time curating the perfect experience for lurkers on your page who were only there to check your top friends list to see if they made the cut? Come on... admit it. If you were lucky enough to stumble upon my MySpace page you’d have been greeted with some Band of Horses or Bright Eyes or Portugal.The Man… Maybe some Fall of Troy if I was in a mood. Skulls in the background or something in red and black to rep my beloved Texas Tech. Like all of us, I learned HTML so I could add that razzle dazzle the layout just seemed to beg for. Nowdays, I'm chained to Facebook for my small business and patiently waiting for the day I get the boot for something I posted in 2010. To say I miss MySpace is an understatement. But I digress... today's post isn't about social media days gone by. It's about the music that makes up the background of not only our MySpace pages, but our lives.


I'm gonna take a moment and really show every one of my 45 years here, but mix tapes were LYFE back in the day. Like, actual cassette tapes... then CDs... then Limewire... then other nefarious bootleg platforms that I wouldn't know about 👀... then iPods showed up... then platforms other than iTunes took over because U2 overstepped, man... and now finally all the cool folks are leaving Spotify. I still remember my very first radio/cassette deck that was all mine. My very own that I didn't have to share with my stinky little sister. And let me tell you... the number of hours I spent recording music from the KQ106 radio waves out of Hobart, Oklahoma beats any amount of time now spent on social media. (Shout out to my Sentinel Bulldogs!) 

This is it. This is what she looked like! She lasted YEARS, too, through broken hearts, dance competitions with my cousins and neighbors, and most importantly those formative early goth years.

Point being, what started out as a mix tape in my childhood is now a playlist on Spotify. Okay... several playlists because mood matters. I'm not tryin' to Toxic/Pony while cleaning the bathroom. Scrubbing “boy toilet” (iykyk) is more of an EDM situation for me. Music gets me through it, y'all. It makes me happy even when it makes me sad. And I can't wait to see what your happy playlists look like. You'll find mine in the comments on my socials. :) Happy listening!